Waverley Christian College aims to make children feel welcome from the very start of their school life. We provide each student with a caring and stimulating environment, tailored to meet their individual needs.
The College provides a high academic standard combined with pastoral care. Strong emphasis is placed on Numeracy and Literacy - the skills essential for success in all areas of learning.
All students in the Primary School have specialist lessons in Art, Computer, Drama, Library, LOTE (Chinese and French - Years 3 to 6), Music and Physical Education (including swimming).
We believe that each student has their own unique God-given gifts and talents. Every student is encouraged to participate in a wide sphere of activities - assemblies, concerts, Presentation Nights, Chapel services, House Sports and competitions. After school activities are provided for students in various extra curricular options.
Communication between home and school is maintained through the College Diary, Information sessions, Principal's Newsletters, Curriculum Guides, the Primary Handbook, class letters, email, telephone and individual notes to parents. The College ensures that parents are kept up to date with special events and curriculum matters.