These Curriculum Guides have been produced to enable parents and students to gain a better understanding of the courses of study offered at the College. It is the College’s aim to help students understand the relationship between God and His word in everything they are learning and doing in the classroom.
Ruth Haycock, author of ‘Encyclopaedia of Bible Truths for School Subjects’ writes: “If we actually believe that the Bible is authoritative in every subject it addresses, in History and Science as well as in Christian doctrine, we are obligated to find out what it says about every topic we teach. If we fail to present what God says but teach other aspects of a subject, we shelter pupils from the truth and give them only part of the story. What we do teach may be purely humanistic and opposed to the truth found in the Bible, or it may be true as far as it goes, but incomplete. In either case, pupil thinking is being shaped according to the worlds pattern. God asked instead of transformed lives, not conformed to the world, but based on renewed minds able to prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
We believe that all truth originates from God, and that all the truth He created was designed to lead people to know and respond to Him. Each academic subject is part of the truth He created to help people know and understand Him better. We know more about God because of the truth revealed in Science and Mathematics. He made writing and reading an important part of His creation because He chose to reveal Himself to us in writing. We learn to think and express our thoughts in writing so that we can praise and glorify Him. We study history so that we can understand how He has directed the course of man through the years of time. Every academic truth in every academic area is a revelation of God.
All efforts to separate God and His truth from the school curriculum only serve to compromise an academic education. It is not possible to truly understand any academic area is a revelation of God.
“The fear of the Lord is the Beginning of knowledge…” (Proverbs 1:7)
Waverley Christian College endeavours to provide students with topics of study which are both stimulating and challenging and which will lead each student to realise their God-given potential. We believe the courses of study provided prepare students most thoroughly for successful participation in the Victorian Certificate of Education, VCE VM (Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major), or work place.
It is our prayer that students attending Waverley Christian College will experience success and the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ.