Thank you for considering Waverley Christian College for your child's education.
We exist as a school community to provide Christian education to a generation of young people that will encourage them to progress as confident, responsive, interdependent and inspired learners that will enable them to impact the community, our nation and the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is the intention of the College to work with Christian families by supporting them and reinforcing Biblical values and standards of conduct. The College aims to see students engaged in meaningful learning experiences that will enrich their lives and help them to know God and understand their place in the world. It is our desire to see each student discovering and developing their gifts and abilities, using these to bring honour to God and benefit to society in sacrificial service for others.
Accordingly, only those students who will enhance the fulfillment of the College's mission will be admitted to the College. The College will admit students of any race, gender, national or ethnic origin and will not refuse admission purely on the basis of financial hardship.
It is the policy of the College to enrol only children from Christian homes who are themselves Christians; where the student and at least one parent is involved in regular fellowship in a local church; who accept the Bible as God's Word and who are willing to submit to its principles as final authority.
In practice, this will mean that each parent/carer and student will be committed to regular and active, in-person attendance and involvement in a local church and will honestly endeavour to set a positive example with their actions, behaviour and speech as a worshipful response to God’s grace in our lives and consistent with His expectations of Christian community. We recognise the “fallenness” of humanity and the resultant broken relationships that can occur because of our sinful nature and we encourage an openness to transformation in our lives by the Holy Spirit (through His grace) that restores ourselves to Him and to each other.
Waverley Christian College is committed to an enrolment policy that is consistent with our vision and values and all applicable State and Commonwealth Laws, including anti-discrimination, equal opportunity, privacy, Child Safe and immunisation legislation.
Admissions Policy
Enrolment Terms & Conditions
Parent Code of Conduct
Complaints Handling Guide