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Integrated Studies

“The world is a great book, of which those who never stir from home read only a page.” St. Augustine


Students learn how God has created everything, with order and purpose on the Earth. They explore celebrations and commemorations within their communities, and how their local and wider community has and will change over time. By exploring the effects of Earth’s rotation on its axis, Earth's matter and changes of state, students have a greater understanding of God’s creative ability. They group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things. Students identify and describe locations, looking at Australia and its neighbouring countries, also identifying similarities and differences in climate. They continue to learn to predict, plan, conduct, record, process and reflect on science experiments, using formal and informal language to communicate their observations and findings. The aim of the subject is to help students develop an understanding of the nature of living things, of the Earth and its place in space. Similarly, students will develop a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect for places, people, cultures and environments throughout the world. 


  • 8 periods per cycle 


  • Community, Continuity and Change.  
  • Classification of Living and Non-Living Things 
  • A Rotating Earth and its States of Matter 
  • Celebrations and Commemorations 
  • Mapping of Places and Spaces 


  • Booklist items 


  • Unit Tests 
  • Projects 
  • Scientific Experiment Write-Ups 
  • Digital Presentations Assessments 

“From one man He made every nation of men, which they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” Acts 17:26