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“God uses mathematics in everything He makes. He makes things in multiples of sevens, elevens, and forties. Everything that God does, He does according to mathematics: the writing of His Bible, the making of Arcturus and establishing the circuit of the earth. He imparts some of that wonderful knowledge to us that we may know something about His grace and love for us in this respect.” Asa Sparks


Students focus on understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning in Mathematics to help them see the order and beauty of God's creation and God Himself. They continue to build their understanding of number knowledge and basic operations. They learn about the concepts of mass, length, area, time, volume and capacity using units of measurement. Students recognise and order shapes and objects according to their properties. They use simple maps and identify relative locations, and investigate the effect of simple transformations of slides, flips, half and quarter turns, both by hand and by using technology. Students collect and interpret data and explore the language used to describe chance. They explore the relationship between numbers and use a variety of strategies, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve problems.  


  • 10 periods per cycle 


  • Number and Algebra: Counting and skip counting to 1000 (2s, 3s, 5s and 10s), Ordinal number, Place value, Addition to 20, Subtraction to 20, Multiplication, Division, Money, Fractions (half, quarter and eighths) 
  • Measurement and Geometry: Length, Capacity & Mass (informal units), Time (to the quarter hour), Shapes (2D & 3D), Patterns, Space and Location 
  • Statistics and Probability: Chance, Questioning, Collecting, Organising and Representing Data, Presenting, Interpreting Data 


  • Booklist items 


  • Unit assessments 
  • Classwork 

“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:7