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“We must contemplate the import of ignoring the printed word. If you cannot read, you can do only what you are told.” Joseph P. Bean


Semester 1: Students lay a foundation for the necessary English skills to critically read and respond to a variety of texts in today’s world. With an understanding of the four main elements of literature: character, setting, plot and theme, students analyse the construction of texts as well as write their own narrative stories according to the plot structure. Throughout our text studies, the themes of reconciliation, sinful nature and forgiveness are explored, considering what Christ has done for us and our response. The rules of grammar and punctuation are applied in their creative, persuasive and analytical writing, and speaking and listening skills are taught and employed in their oral presentations.

Semester 2: Students expand on their understanding of narrative construction, analysing a film text and the impact of the film elements on the narrative’s structure, themes and characterisation. Exploring the themes of leadership, students consider the biblical models of leadership and how we should treat others. Students are exposed to a variety of poetic forms and literary devices, allowing them to write their own poetry and critically analyse the construction of poems including poetic forms in the Bible. Students build on their understanding of the conventions of English, utilising correct grammar and usage to communicate effectively.


  • Whole Year


  • Persuasive writing
  • Study of novels and films
  • Poetry
  • Forms of Writing


  • Booklist Items


Semester 1

  • Creative Writing Narrative Task (20%)
  • Text Response Essay Paragraphs (25%)
  • Advertising Analysis Short Answer Questions (15%)
  • Advertising Oral Presentation (20%)
  • Exam 20%

Semester 2

  • Zootopia Scene Analysis (20%)
  • Zootopia Text Response Essay (25%)
  • Poetic Devices Test (15%)
  • Poetry in the Bible Task (20%)
  • Exam (20%)

“They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving them meaning so that the people could understand what was being read” Nehemiah 8:8