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Freshwater Ecology (Elective)

“The Christian faith of the early scientists gave them more than presuppositions; it also gave them motivation. They believed that in studying nature they were discovering the wisdom and power of the Creator and were thus honouring Him.” James F. Jekel


Students investigate the structure and complexities of freshwater ecosystems. They seek to understand the responsible management of fisheries, preserving organisms at each trophic level to ensure that our local ecosystems are sustainable. Throught the unit, students run their own acqaculture unit, measure water chemistry and develop an understanding of how it affects species’ survival. By understanding the complexities of ecological requirements for life, students witness the magnitude of the Creator’s design and comprehend the importance of our mandate to be caretakers of Creation.


  • Give an understanding of how scientists use data to sustainable assist management of natural resources
  • Demonstrate the effect that aquaculture can have on developing countries
  • Encourage God’s awesome creation of the underwater world
  • Logbook keeping skills

Topics Include

  • Tanks and water quality
  • Conservation and sustainability
  • Ecosystems
  • Flow of energy within freshwater ecosystems
  • Effects of polution on freshwater ecosystems

Time Allocation

  • 4 periods per cycle for Semester 2


  • None


  • Levy cost


  • Practical work and scientific journal
  • Poster presentation
  • Ecosystem diarama

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10