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“The Christian faith of the early scientists gave them more than presuppositions; it also gave them motivation. They believed that in studying nature they were discovering the wisdom and power of the Creator and were thus honouring Him.” James F. Jekel


Science seeks to develop the students’ abilities to ask questions and to find answers about aspects of God’s creation and to retain awe and wonder when contemplating it. Students are encouraged to foster and develop curiosity about all aspects of the earth and the universe. The laws which govern Creation have many applications in our daily lives. Students will practically investigate, verify and apply these laws and shall identify and resolve, where possible, the problems associated with our physical world which have occurred as a result of the fallen state of humanity. Consequently, students are reminded of the moral responsibility of God’s children to serve Him faithfully as stewards of the resources and the materials which He has made available to us. A range of career-based and domestic applications of the study of science will be covered to better equip students to serve God with greater understanding. Students will develop their ability to design and carry out experiments and analyse the resultant data.


  • 6 periods per cycle for a full year


  • Body Systems
  • Cells and Microscopes
  • Atomic Theory and Chemistry
  • Energy
  • Geology
  • Sustainability
  • Reproduction
  • Experimental Research
  • Practical investigation


  • Booklist Items


  • Unit tests 25%
  • Assignments 20%
  • Practical investigations and reports 20%
  • Semester examinations 25%
  • Homework 10%

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10