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Art: Creative Printmaking (Elective)

“For the Christian, God is the supreme artist … God looked at His creation as it progressed and saw that it was good; when He had completed it, He said it was ‘very good’… The Great Artist was evidently much pleased with His world.” Clyde S. Kilby


Printmaking introduces students to a range of printmaking materials, skills and techniques.  They explore, develop and communicate ideas and are encouraged to make creative and personal responses to specific tasks.  Through imaginative experimentation of the selected materials, students develop and refine skills in printmaking: linoblock and stencil.  The role of the Artist in society is investigated as well as the use of art elements and principles in the creation of artworks.


Creating and making

  • To manipulate arts elements and principles to effectively realise student’s ideas
  • To demonstrate a level of technical competence in the use of skills, techniques and processes
  • To develop artworks which reflect personal art responses to specific tasks

Exploring and responding

  • To critically analyse and interpret artworks using appropriate arts language
  • To describe the stylistic, technical, expressive and aesthetic features of artworks created by a range of artists
  • To comment on the impact of the Artist in society

Topics Include

  • Linoblock printing Stenciling
  • Artists and their role in society

Time Allocation

  • 5 periods per cycle for Semester 2


  • None


  • Booklist Items
  • Levy Cost


  • All class work; research and developmental work, practical projects and finished artworks
  • Written work and assignments

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11