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Year 10


The Year 10 students continue with the additional studies and activities, both curricular and extra-curricular, introduced the previous year. The curriculum is designed to draw together the skills and knowledge gained over the previous years.

Core subjects are used to prepare students for both the content and the system of the VCE. The emphasis in all core subjects is on learning to evaluate and utilise the contents of the previous years’ courses.

Specialist subject selections provide a range of choices through which students gain a solid foundation for future VCE courses. Year 10 students have the opportunity to accelerate by studying a VCE subject in Year 10. 

Successful completion of Year 10 is a fine preparation for a life of service to the community and the Lord. For those students planning to study VCE, staff are available for consultation and counsel. The following procedures are suggested:

  • Consult with WCC Staff about possible career paths, requisite courses and subjects. (Information available from Careers Co-ordinator and Library).
  • Discuss subject options with VCE teachers.
  • Make use of Term 1 Parent/Teacher interviews (update on progress).

Staff are also willing to counsel students seeking apprenticeships or employment after Year 10, with a view to assisting each one to find the most fulfilling way of using their God-given abilities.

Waverley Christian College has a rich extra-curricular program, with many opportunities for enrichment and engagement. We encourage all students to get involved in activities of interest to them. See ‘Co-curricular Activities’ for a list of available options.




All students in Year 10 participate in a compulsory one-week Work Experience placement at the end of Term 2.

The aims of the program are:

  • To assist students to learn in a practical way about a particular job and also about the place of work in society
  • To give students experience in coping with new situations and people – thus developing their self-confidence, initiative and independence
  • To give students an opportunity to explore their employment or career options
  • To provide opportunity for parents and children to discuss students’ future.
  • To allow students to observe the use made of skills taught in school subjects

School Work Experience programs are stringently controlled by various legal requirements. These cover such areas as length of placements; payment of Work Experience students; age of students; prohibited tasks and jobs; injury to students, etc.

No Work Experience arrangement can be made without the signed consent of parent, student, school and employer.  Students are also required to complete Occupational Health and Safety Training at the College prior to commencing placements.

To maximise the benefit of the program, students have been encouraged to choose areas that are consistent with both their aptitudes and interests. The DEEWR Job Guide For Victoria is particularly helpful in this respect – go online to www.jobguide.deewr.gov.au .

Students have been asked to take the responsibility for finding their own placements. This may be done through personal contacts of parents, letters seeking work experience, interviews, etc. Where difficulty is experienced in finding a placement, the College will seek to help.

Waverley Christian College students on Work Experience are expected to:

  • Perform the tasks and duties of the job in which they are placed to the best of their ability
  • Follow instructions and abide by all the rules and regulations that apply to full-time employees
  • Dress suitably and behave appropriately
  • Ask questions and make observations concerning their particular job and the place of work in society
  • Carry out the tasks set by the school, i.e., complete and return the Work Placement Report Book, take part in an evaluation of the program afterwards and ensure the school copy of the evaluation sheet is returned to the school