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Learning Enrichment and Program Support (LEAPS)

LEAPS provides Learning Enrichment and Program Support for students. The LEAPS team is committed to assisting and enriching the learning experiences of students to maximise their potential and educational outcomes. The team consists of the LEAPS Coordinator/teacher, Enrichment Teacher and Learning Support Assistants. The department collaborates with parents, teachers and other specialists to form a multi-disciplinary approach to supporting students and their learning needs. Program Support Group meetings for identified students are held and Individual Learning Plans implemented.

LEAPS administers assessments, recommends strategies and resources, liaises with staff and others, and provides intervention or enrichment. Students receive support within their classroom or work in small groups or individually in the LEAPS/Enrichment areas. LEAPS assists in a range of subject areas as well as in the development of social, organisational, study and homework skills.



In Class Support

  • Provided by Learning Support Assistants in a range of subject areas.


  • Foundational skills in reading, spelling, comprehension, grammar and written expression are taught by the LEAPS teacher in small group sessions at Years 7 and 8.
  • In-class Learning Support assistance in a range of classes.
  • Individual Education Plans are established for students requiring a modified curriculum.


  • The Foundation Maths program from Years 7-10 provides smaller class size and Learning Support Assistance.

Homework Club

  • Students requiring additional support and assistance in completing their homework are invited to attend Homework Club. Individual help is provided in a small group setting guided by a Learning Support teacher and Assistant.



The Secondary Enrichment Program provides highly able students with the opportunity for challenge and extension. Staff seek to encourage and assist students to hone their God-given abilities.

Classroom Differentiation

Differentiated activities within the classroom offer academic challenge for highly able students who require faster pace and greater complexity.

College Enrichment Opportunities

The College offers a broad range of extra-curricular enrichment opportunities. For example, selected students participate in the Athletic Development Program; the Creative Arts Gifted and Talented Program; the student newspaper ‘Waverley Insiders’; Humanities Inquiry Projects; and the Science Insect Breeding Program.

External Competitions and Programs

Highly able students have opportunities to participate in a wide range of inter-school competitions and projects that encourage critical and creative thinking. For example, students participate in the Da Vinci Decathlon; CSEN Debating; Sparklit Christian Teen Writers’ Award; the Parliament of Victoria’s Parliament Prize; ICAS Science Competition, and the Mathematics Association of Victoria’s Maths Games Day. These opportunities allow highly able students to exercise their inquiry skills and work with other highly able students.

Enrichment Mentoring

Selected students have the opportunity for Enrichment Mentoring with a member of the teaching staff. The purpose of mentoring is to encourage students to become autonomous learners, think critically and to develop self-awareness about their strengths and weaknesses.